VSCCA Thompson Vintage Motorsports Festival
Thompson Speedway Motorsports ParkAbout this event
Welcome to the Thompson Vintage Motorsport Festival, shared with our VRG co-hosts at the Thompson Speedway, June 19-21, 2025. Three days packed with track time at a bargain price of only $625 for members if you include the optional test day! There will be two VSCCA grids, based on lap times and types of car.
By popular demand we will again be doing a dinner in the Speedway Clubhouse with a program that will include driver awards. A free dinner ticket for drivers is included, but please indicate how many will attend. This will ensure an accurate count for planning purposes and making a better dinner program experience for all while minimizing event costs.
With such low costs, in order for this event to be viable we will need a strong car count. Please join us, spread the word, and encourage others to attend this great "grass roots" event. Together with our partners at the VRG team we would like to thank you for your loyalty. We look forward to seeing you at the track soon and wish all the best to you and your families. I promise we will have some fun in 2025!
The clubs will operate separate race groups and entrants will run with the club with which they register.
- This for VSCCA entry ONLY for the Thompson Vintage Motorsport Festival.
For VRG registration please click here: VRG Registration - Optional Test Day for only $100 (12:00-5:00 PM, Thursday, June 19) is available: Register here
- Load-in can start Thursday after 7:00 AM
- Save $50 by entering by June 5!
- Unmuffled
- Event will be timed and transponders can be rented from the track
- Race fuel is available at the track but tire service will not be at the event. If you are in a pinch contact Zach at the Tireman, (860) 935-5858, 258 Wilsonville Road, North Grosvenordale, CT 06255.
- Full details available here (PDF)
- Optional test day 12:00-5:00 PM Thursday, June 19, 2025
- Friday, June 20, 2025
- Saturday, June 21, 2025
- Save $50 by entering through June 5th, 2025!
- VSCCA Members
- Two-day Early bird through June 5: $525
- Two-day Regular: $575
- One-day Early bird through June 5: $300
- One-day Regular: $325
- Non-VSCCA Members
Non-VSCCA member entry rates are $50 higher, however you get a credit of $100 towards your first year of VSCCA membership by entering two VSCCA track events in the same year.- Two-day Early bird through June 5: $575
- Two-day Regular: $625
- One-day Early bird through June 5: $325
- One-day Regular: $350
- Credit cards will be charged & checks cashed 1 week prior to the event.
- If you DO NOT pay by Credit Card, your payment MUST BE RECEIVED by the Event Chair no later than 10 days prior to the event. For payment by check, please indicate so during registration by entering the discount code VSCCACHECK at payment, make your check out to VSCCA, Inc. and contact the Event Chair for a mailing address. Please also note our cancelation policy.
- Note: The garage rental and test day below are separate.
- Optional Test Day for only $100 (12:00-5:00 PM, Thursday, June 19) is available: Register here
- Garage Rental, all three days: $225 (Garage Registration can be made by calling 508-272-1323 or online at: VRG Registration To register for a garage you will go through the VRG registration process for the garage only. You still enter your car via the VSCCA registration process.)
- One Friday dinner ticket is included with registration. Additional tickets will be available at $40.
- Crew: Maximum crew of 6 allowed: up to 3 free and 3 additional paid @ $20 per person - names required.
- Spectators allowed: Pay $12 at the gate unless added as crew.
- For payment by check, please make your check out to VSCCA, Inc. and contact the Event Chair for a mailing address.
Phil Roettjer at rtllc@earthlink.net 774-232-3673 and Steve Morici moricimotorsportswest@yahoo.com 760-662-1112.
Organized by the Vintage Sports Car Club of America. Visit us here VSCCA.org
The Early Bird Entry is up to two weeks before the start of certain events:
- If you DO NOT pay by Credit Card, your payment MUST BE RECEIVED by the Event Chair no later than two (2) weeks prior to the event. If received late, you will have to pay the Regular Entry fee which is $50 more than the Early Bird rate. Please also note our cancelation policy.
- Racing Experience: Entrant must be a VSCCA-approved driver or have a current and unencumbered (not on suspension) VMC license issued by a VMC organization (VRG, VARAC, etc.) - Full details here (PDF)
- VSCCA Membership: Not required - VSCCA members and non-members are welcome. Spectators are also welcome and encouraged to join us!
- Current Medical: Required
- Personal Safety Equipment: Required - Full details here (PDF)
- Car Requirements
- General: Open to VSCCA logbook cars through 1965, VMC, SCCA and similar logbook cars through the early 70’s and Event Chair's allowances. When in doubt ask the Event Chair before registering - Full details here (PDF)
- Tires: VSCCA rules and all VMC organizations require treaded tires. Cars with slicks will not be allowed to run with VSCCA groups.
- Muffled? No.
- Technical Inspection: Required. Please remember to print a copy of the tech sheet, fill it in and bring it to the event - Download Tech Sheet here (PDF)
- Car Safety Equipment: Required - Full details here (PDF)
- Logbook: Cars entered must have a VSCCA log book OR have a log book from another VMC organization and be VSCCA-eligible for the event. If a car that is entered without a logbook is not in keeping with VSCCA regulations and is accepted by the Event Chair, the car will be allowed to run this event. However, the entrant will be advised that to enter future VSCCA events, certain aspects of their car may need to be brought into compliance.
- Registration is subject to approval. We’ll review registrations and contact you if we have questions.
- If you decide to bring a different car from the one registered, you must notify us of this change or you may not be allowed to participate in this event.
- For all questions regarding car eligibility, please contact the Event Chair.
- When registering, please help us group cars appropriately by answering the car questions in detail.
- If you have not used motorsportreg.com before please set up a free account by starting here: New account setup
- If you have a motorsportreg.com account but have not used it for a VSCCA event please click here for a video: Existing accounts new to VSCCA
- If you need to update/change your registration (vehicle, group, etc.) please see these instructions: How to change registration
- If you need to cancel your registration please see these instructions: How to cancel registration
- For other help links start here: MotorsportsReg Help
- If you still need help, please contact the Event Chair.